Second-Order Green's Function Approximation(GF2)

Self-consistent second-order perturbation theory (GF2) is a conserving diagrammatic approximation that provides a nonzero contribution to the correlated self-energy. Also known as Second Order Born, GF2 was introduced to molecular systems in recent times by Holleboom and Snijders 1. This method is generally accurate for systems with large energy gaps and weak interactions but is known to fail for metallic systems. Unlike the GW approximation, GF2 incorporates a second-order exchange term but does not account for higher-order screening effects.

The second-order contribution to the self-energy in imaginary time ($\tau$) and momentum space ($\mathbf{k}$) is given by23:

$$ \begin{align*} \Sigma^{(2)}_{ij}(\tau,\mathbf{k}) = - \frac{1}{N_{\mathbf{k}}^3}\sum\limits_{\substack{klmnpq\\ \mathbf{k_1}\mathbf{k_2}\mathbf{k_3} }} & \left(2U^{\mathbf{k_1}\mathbf{k}\mathbf{k_2}\mathbf{k_3}}_{qjln} - U^{\mathbf{k_2}\mathbf{k}\mathbf{k_1}\mathbf{k_3}}_{ljqn}\right) \times U^{\mathbf{k}\mathbf{k_1}\mathbf{k_3}\mathbf{k_2}}_{ipmk} \\ \times & G^{\mathbf{k_1}}_{pq}(\tau) G^{\mathbf{k_2}}_{kl}(\tau) G^{\mathbf{k_3}}_{nm}(-\tau) \delta_{\mathbf{k}+\mathbf{k_3},\mathbf{k_1}+\mathbf{k_2}}, \end{align*} $$

Explanation of the Equation:

  • $\Sigma^{(2)}_{ij}(\tau,\mathbf{k})$: This represents the second-order self-energy component for orbitals $i$ and $j$ at imaginary time $\tau$ and momentum $\mathbf{k}$.

  • $N_{\mathbf{k}}$: The number of discrete momentum points considered in the finite cluster.

  • Summations: The summations run over all possible orbital indices ($k, l, m, n, p, q$) and momentum indices ($\mathbf{k_1}, \mathbf{k_2}, \mathbf{k_3}$).

  • $U^{\mathbf{k_1}\mathbf{k}\mathbf{k_2}\mathbf{k_3}}_{qjln}$ and $U^{\mathbf{k_2}\mathbf{k}\mathbf{k_1}\mathbf{k_3}}_{ljqn}$ : These are components of the Coulomb interaction tensor, representing the electron-electron interactions between different orbitals and momenta.

  • $G^{\mathbf{k}}_{ij}(\tau)$: The imaginary-time Green’s function, describing the propagation of an electron from orbital $j$ to $i$ over time $\tau$.

  • $\delta_{\mathbf{k}+\mathbf{k_3},\mathbf{k_1}+\mathbf{k_2}}$: The Kronecker delta ensures momentum conservation in the interaction process, meaning the total momentum before and after the interaction remains the same.

This equation effectively captures the second-order processes contributing to the self-energy, accounting for interactions between electrons mediated by the Coulomb tensor and the Green’s functions.