Two Electron Coulomb Integral

  1. Four-Center Two-Electron Coulomb Integral
  • Directory Structure
  • Integrals Definition
    1. Chemist’s Notation
    2. Physicist’s Notation
    3. Simplification through Density Fitting
  • Usage
  • Four-Center Two-Electron Coulomb Integral

    Directory Structure

    • df_hf_int: Directory where the three-center two-electron integrals are saved.
    • V_0.h5: HDF5 file containing the three-center two-electron intagrals.

    Integrals Definition

    Chemist’s Notation

    In chemist’s notation, the integral is represented as
    U_{ijkl} = (ij\vert kl) = \int\int dr_1 dr_2 \phi^*_i(r_1)\phi_j(r_1)\frac{1}{\vert r_1-r_2\vert}\phi^*_k(r_2)\phi_l(r_2)

    • Function: chem_four_center_integral computes this integral.
    • Used for scGW

    Physicist’s Notation

    In physicist’s notation, the integral is defined as
    V_{ijkl} = \langle ij\vert kl\rangle = \int\int dr_1 dr_2 \phi^*_i(r_1)\phi_j^*(r_2)\frac{1}{\vert r_1-r_2\vert}\phi_k(r_2)\phi_l(r_1)

    • Function: phys_four_center_integral computes this integral.
    • Used for GF2

    Simplification through Density Fitting

    The expression for $U_{ijkl}=\sum_{Q} V_{ij}(Q)V_{kl}(Q)$ and $V_{ijkl}=\sum_{Q} V_{il}(Q)V_{jk}(Q)$ suggests a simplification technique known as density fitting or resolution of the identity (RI), where the complex four-center integrals are approximated using a sum over simpler terms involving fewer centers. This approach significantly reduces computational cost.
    V_{ij}(Q) = (ij\vert Q) = \int \int dr_1dr_2 \phi_i(r_1) \phi_j(r_1) \frac{1}{\vert r_1-r_2\vert}\chi_{Q}(r_2)


    Read the integrals from df_hf_int

    V_Qij = read_integrals(path_to_df)

    Compute the coulomb integral in chemist’s notation, $U_{ijkl}$

    U_ijkl = chem_four_center_integral(V_Qij)

    Compute the coulomb in physicist’s notation, $V_{ijkl}$

    V_ijkl = phys_four_center_integral(V_Qij)